Singing for ASAP

Singing for ASAP

Vukani Mawethu Choir’s 25th Anniversary Concert, held in Berkley CA, raised over $1,300 for ASAP! Over the past year and a half, Vukani, a San Francisco based African singing group, has been donating the proceeds of their concert events to the women and children of...

A Unique Brooklyn Fun-raiser

ASAPs first Brooklyn fundraiser was not your typical charity soiree. Instead of a luncheon or lecture, friends and supporters cozied up at the Brooklyn Brainery on May 7th for a party and screening of TRANSKEI TERROR, a short zombie film made by ASAP...

School-to-School: East Woods School

Here is a report from East Woods School, Long Island, NY, a long-standing supporter of ASAP’s School-to-School programme: Starting in Kindergarten East Woods students are very active in Community Service whether it is to help our local community or those in far off...