About Us
ASAP works in the Alfred Nzo District, Eastern Cape province, South Africa’s poorest municipality (IRR2019).
Since 2003, ASAP has directly impacted the lives of over 19,000 of South Africa’s most isolated and impoverished orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), their caregivers and the communities around them.
Working predominantly with women, grandmothers and youth in rural villages hard-hit by HIV and multidimensional poverty, our team is committed to identifying and empowering proactive community members to design and drive lasting solutions for their communities’ toughest challenges. ASAP’s holistic model recognises the need for long-term and broad-based intervention, driven from within communities, to ensure lasting impact on the lives and prospects of children.
Our Vision
Thriving, resilient rural communities where all children develop optimally.
Our Mission
Our work is to connect rural community members, particularly women and youth, to their own power to identify challenges and create positive change towards poverty alleviation in their communities.
Our Values
ASAP directly contributes to the following UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030 (SDGs):
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