African Solutions is proud to support the aims and objectives of ACESS (The Alliance for Children’s Entitlement to Social Security), and thereby stand beside more than 1223 other children’s sector organisations throughout South Africa.
By setting up a broad-based alliance structure (NGOs, churches, service providers and government representations) ACESS has championed the rights of the child since March 2001, promoting grants and rights awareness, service delivery, birth registration, and improved communications between government departments. And, when the necessity arose, has even taken the government to task legally for failure to honour its commitments.
Beyond building and managing a strategic alliance, ACESS is currently engaged in four projects, each of which significantly impact upon ASAP’s work. These are:
Promoting comprehensive social security, Widening the reach of social assistance, Challenging the barriers to service delivery, and Ensuring access to education for all.
We look forward to taking shade beneath the ACESS umbrella, and venturing forth shoulder to shoulder with some fantastic organisations and people to engage collectively and further champion the rights of children here in South Africa.
In the meantime, put a note in your diary for this year’s ‘Child Protection Week’ (30 May to 4 June) and expect some wonderful and positive events.
For more information, check out the ACESS website.
You are doing a great job beloved. It has been my great desire to see and be involved with people who are carrying the same vision as I do. I have done Youth Development Studies and so passionate about vulnerable children and youth. Keep it up!!
This is a ministry from God, well done. We are your hands as ISIBINDI project hare in Alice(EC)province.Lets join our hands and fight together.
Thank you for your encouragement and support!