On November 5th, ASAP hosted it’s inaugural fundraising luncheon at the new Club Helsinki in Hudson New York. While ASAP has held lunches like this in London and Vienna, this was the first event for ASAP on US soil. The luncheon was hosted by 14 devoted ASAP supporters / table hosts and brought over 130 people from Hudson, New York and the Berkshires together under one roof to learn about the good work we do and to lend a hand. The free fundraising event raised close to $20,000 as well as awareness as to how ASAP helps women support orphans and vulnerable children. Speakers included board members Alex Richards and Suzi Peel as well as one-time ASAP conference facilitator Nicole Vidor. Flowers and table design by Wenonah Webster brought color and warmth to the occasion. To find out how you can host your own free fundraising event, please contact ASAP for details. Here are some pictures from the event (Photography by Lisa Vollmer – lisavollmer.com)

Table Host Megan Kane and friends

Susanna Abarbanel and Wenonah Webster

Table Host Jade Snow Carroll, Ian Rasch, Alex Souri, Dulcinea Carroll and Matthew Shepfer

Table Host Hannah Shepard and Friends

ASAP event commences

ASAP Event Chair Nicole Vidor

ASAP Event Volunteers Sergio Rico and Zsela Thompson

ASAP U.S. Board Members Amy Hondo and Alex Richards

ASAP U.S Board President Suzi Peel and Volunteer Sergio Rico